Category Archives: Community News

Cannabis in Pipestone County

By Jill Fennema – On July 1, 2022, the Minnesota legislature passed a law that allows Minnesota businesses to sell, and individuals ages 21 and older to purchase, edible and drinkable products containing tetrahydrocannabinols (THC), the primary intoxicant found in

Edgerton Clinic Wins National Award

By Jill Fennema – The Edgerton Family Clinic Avera was notified last week that they were recognized for being ranked among the top 10 percent of clinics nationally based on patient surveys. Patients were asked to complete surveys after their

City Park Has New Sidewalks

For the past couple of weeks, Hulstein Excavating and Hulstein Concrete have been working on pouring the concrete sidewalks and sport courts at the Edgerton City Park. The view in this photo is from the southern sky over the ball

This week from Kingdom Kids Preschool (3’s and 4’s)

Kingdom Kids news We have had a great start to our school year at Kingdom Kids!  It’s hard to believe we are two months into the year!  We spent the month of September learning the rules and routines of the

SCHOOL NEWS from EPS Grades K-12

First grade news The first graders took a picture with Fireman Dennis by the pumper truck.  This truck can hold 1,000 gallons of water!  After listening to the fire fighters, the elementary students practiced evacuating from a school bus in

City Looks To Fund New Fire Truck

The city of Edgerton has ordered a new fire truck. They plan to replace their 1997 BRT pumper truck with a 2023 Rosenbauer Pumper Truck. The purchase of this truck will help the city of Edgerton keep their current positive

School News from SWC Grades K-2

Pictured: All 29 kindergartners were accompanied to the zoo by their teachers Miss Mulder and Mrs. Raak and a parent or grandparent. Kindergarten News This year there are 29 kindergartners ready to learn how to learn. Their teachers are Miss

School News from Free Christian School 

From the upper room The upper room at Free Christian School is off and running. In Bible we are studying the second half of the Old Testament. Right now we are looking at David’s kingdom, his triumphs and weaknesses. In

County Sets Preliminary 2023 Levy

By Jill Fennema – Last week, the Pipestone County Board of Commissioners approved a preliminary levy for 2023. County Administrator Steve Ewing reviewed some of the necessary budget increases for next year, including wage increases, increased county contributions for health

Two School Nurses Serving District 581

By Jill Fennema – Pictured: Annie Bork and Denise Nerem in the new nurse’s office at Edgerton Public School. The two nurses are sharing the position for District 581. The new office at EPS has two new cots, pillows, and cabinets.