SCHOOL NEWS from EPS Grades K-12

First grade news

The first graders took a picture with Fireman Dennis by the pumper truck.  This truck can hold 1,000 gallons of water!  After listening to the fire fighters, the elementary students practiced evacuating from a school bus in case of an emergency.  The first graders were all brave and made the giant leap out the back exit door.

The first graders are impressing their teachers, Mrs. Vander Lugt and Mrs. Delaney, with how well they can read. We are enjoying our new reading books and materials. We are looking forward to our upcoming Harvest party when we will play special games and eat snacks. Happy fall from first grade!

Both first grade classes joined for a picture on Red and Black Day during Homecoming week.

The first graders made applesauce for Johnny Appleseed’s birthday in September.  We learned a little history about Johnny Appleseed; and we thought of several adjectives to describe the apples. The apple and cinnamon aroma filled both first grade classrooms all day long.  The applesauce tasted delicious!

Second grade news

Second grade is the best! We enjoyed a lot of fun days at school during homecoming week, as well as learning about Johnny Appleseed, Christopher Columbus, Indigenous Peoples Day, and about fire safety. We especially enjoy reading and listening to books that help us to learn and celebrate these different things. 

Our favorite fact about Johnny Appleseed was that he was friends to all people and animals as he traveled across the land spreading apple seeds and teaching others about nature. We all brought in apples and got to eat them with some yummy fruit dip. 

Jaxon Schoep, Tatum Huisken and Silas Rylaarsdam taste the warm applesauce.

Last week we learned about fire safety and how to stay safe around different kinds of fires. 

The best part was getting a visit from a couple of our local firemen and getting to see the rescue truck!  It was a good reminder for us to make sure we have working smoke detectors in our homes and that our families have a safe meeting place in case of a fire.