By Jill Fennema – Last week Wednesday, the Edgerton City Council approved two new city ordinances – a special assessment ordinance and a snow emergency ordinance. A summary of both those ordinances will be published in future editions of the
March 8 is International Day for Women. This holiday is not celebrated around here, but Stacie Nagel and Yuliia Danish are celebrating this day at the Edgerton Bakery. Yuliia is from Ukraine and there the holiday is a big event.
7th grade news Seventh grade English and Literature have been abuzz with many new things this quarter. From research papers, to modifiers, to Lit Circles, we have continued to grow in our language and reading skills. Since returning from Christmas
Pictured: Karlin Van Otterloo began working at EPS this past December as the new head custodian. By Jill Fennema – For the last few months, the newest addition to the staff at Edgerton Pubic School has been Karlin Van Otterloo.
By Jill Fennema – Last Tuesday, the Pipestone County Board returned their attention to a pending agreement with Hometown Fiber, a company that wants to install fiber optic cable for broadband internet in the two-thirds of Pipestone County that does
By Ruth Fennema – At the January board meeting the decision was made to change the date of the monthly meeting to the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. Due to the impending snowstorm the decision was made
This past Saturday, Diamond H Acres hosted a fun winter activity never seen before around here. Skijoring is a winter sport where a person on skis is pulled by an animal such as a horse or dog. The event on
Pictured: High school art teacher, Miss Sonnek, and her high school art class students with Mrs. Vander Lugt’s first grade class. First grade news Miss Sonnek and her high school art class students teamed up with the first graders. To
Pictured: This amphitheater was the base of operations for setting the chairs up and retrofitting them to each individual recipient. By Glenda Masselink – Imagine, if you can, you are a 22-year-old disabled woman who, for the first time in
At last week’s Pipestone County Board meeting, County Administrator Steve Ewing requested that the board approve spending $270,000 of Pipestone County American Rescue Plan (ARPA) funds to the nine Pipestone County cities for capital infrastructure projects. The board approved that