Category Archives: Community News

Beckering Retires After 35 Years

By Jill Fennema – After 35 years of teaching, Linda Beckering retired from Edgerton Christian School at the close of this school year. Linda had been with ECES for the past 11 years and worked for Leota Christian School for

Elections In Edgerton Will Be In Person

By Jill Fennema – Elections in Minnesota will proceed normally this year. Having all voting completed by mail was considered as an option this year, but the state decided not to do that. County Auditor Tyler Reisch reported that in

Flags Will Fly

The annaul Memorial Day Program at the Hillside Cemetery will not be held this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the Avenue of Flags will be set up. The American Legion requests that anyone who can help set up

Read to Support Local Restaurants – NEW GAME!

As we navigate all the social changes mandated by the government during this pandemic, we at the Enterprise want to do what we can to help our local businesses. Restaurants have been closed to sit-down traffic for over a month