Category Archives: Community News

School News from Edgerton Public School

Region 6 FFA Milk Quality Competition Five Edgerton FFA members competed back on November 17 in the Region 6 FFA Milk Quality Competition at Mt. Lake High School. The team placed 6th overall and is headed to State Competition later

Latino Grocery To Open

By Jill Fennema – This week Saturday, a new store will open on Edgerton’s Main Street. Eric Nieves and his wife, Jessica Rodriguez, and their family, will be working at the store. They plan to call it Yojoa Latin Market.

Holiday Festivities Begin In Edgerton

There are a lot of things going on in Edgerton in the coming weeks. Christmas festivities begin tonight, Wednesday, with the Holiday Parade of Lights at 6 p.m. The parade will follow the same route as the Dutch Festival, with

Library Hosts Mystery Theater

Pictured: Fifteen teens that participated in the Mystery Theater on November 20. The Edgerton Public Library hosted a new program at the library on Saturday, Nov. 20. The murder mystery event was open to teenagers. The theater event was called


School news this week from Southwest Christian High School: SWC Fine Arts Night On Monday, November 15, the SWC Players (the school’s improv acting group) gathered for their fine arts night. The group performed several improvised skits as well as

Central School Property Still A Hot Topic at County Board Meeting

Last week Tuesday, the Pipestone County Board heard a presentation by Jeremy Whipple with the Pipestone Development Crop, asking them to consider selling the former Central School property. He has potential development projects that could be built on that land.

Chandler Has A New Restaurant

Chandler once again has a restaurant. Earlier this year, the Chandler Mexican Grill closed. Manny and Maya (Diaz) Garcia have purchased the business from Elizabeth Salazar-Campos. The new restaurant will be called Farmer’s Kitchen and Bar. However, for now, there

Fifth Grade “Thankful For” Drawings

We asked Edgerton 5th Graders to draw a picture for us of what they were thankful for. Carter Bleyenberg, 5th grade student at Southwest Minnesota Christian School, received first place for his drawing. Allyson Muder, Edgerton Public School, received second

School News – This week from Free Christian School Upper Room

Another year has begun in Free Christian School’s upper room. The student’s writings give you an idea of some beginning activities. Levi writes about life in the upper room from an eighth graders’ perspective. Casey and Jaron detail our science

Retires From John Deere

Last week Friday, Jerry Langstraat retired from C&B Implement in Edgerton. Jerry has been with the Edgerton John Deere dealership for 24 years. He, along with two others, puchased Brink Implement in 1997. He would own the company for about