School News from EPS 2nd and 3rd Grade

Second grade news

The two second grade classes have been counting the school days every morning since school began back on August 26. We talk about odds and evens, skip count, and count money using our school day numbers. We have also been reading biographies and learning about people like Martin Luther King Jr. We learned how he made a difference.

As we got closer to the 100th day of school, we decided to see if we could make a difference for our community. Our goal was to try to collect 100 items for the Edgerton Food Shelf. We exceeded our goal! We collected 151 items to bring to the food shelf! Unfortunately, it has been too cold to walk there. However, next week we will load up our backpacks and walk to the food shelf with our donation. We feel GREAT about doing something kind to make a difference for others!

Third grade news

February is always a fun and busy month! Third graders celebrated “I Love to Read” month with guest readers, class competitions, and read-ing challenges. Keira Cruz was our guest reader. She read a funny Valentine story and encouraged the kids to be hard workers in the classroom.

Another fun day was our Valentine’s party. Kids made Valentine boxes at home and showed them off at the party. 

Cheryl De Jong 3rd grade teacher

In honor of I Love to Read month National Honor Society seniors, Corrie Thomson and Blake Schultz, came to read to the second graders.

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