School News This Week From SWC Grades 6-8
7th grade news
Seventh grade English and Literature have been abuzz with many new things this quarter. From research papers, to modifiers, to Lit Circles, we have continued to grow in our language and reading skills.
Since returning from Christmas break, the seventh graders were hard at work on their research papers. As a way of introducing them to a new concept, and one they will use for many years to come, they worked in partners to complete their research. The partners then moved along in the writing process to draft, revise, edit and publish their first ever formal research paper.
Once celebrating our completed papers, we moved into a grammar unit on modifiers where we discussed adverbs and adjectives as part of speech that modify or describe other words in a sentence. There are many intelligent (adj) students doing very impressive (adv) work with this concept!
In Literature, we began a Lit Circles unit where students got to “taste-test” books and choose their favorites. They were then placed into small groups to read the book they picked. Daily work now includes reading together then choosing a role/job to complete in order to prepare for discussing the day’s reading content with their group. They have really enjoyed the autonomy of choice throughout this unit!
The human body has been the topic in seventh grade life science lately. We just finished learning about the skeletal system and the muscular system. To culminate those systems, we dissected chicken wings where we were able to see some of the things we’ve been studying, including tendons, blood vessels, cartilage, muscle, and bone marrow!
8th grade news
Fifth through eighth graders at SWC are preparing for the SWMCTA, South West MN Christian Teachers Association, Music Festival that will take place on Monday, March 6, 2023 hosted by Worthington Christian School. Students will participate in an afternoon of band and choir rehearsals to prepare for the 7:00 concert. This year’s guest director is Ashley Vermeer. The concert is open to the public and all are welcome to attend!