Berghuis is Edgerton’s Latest Centenarian

Pictured: Lorraine Berghuis celebrated her 100th birthday on Tuesday, September 20. She is a resident at Edgebrook Assisted Living.
By Jill Fennema –
Lorraine Evelyn Berghuis will turn 100 years old on September 20, 2022. She was born in 1922 to Edward and Alice (Vander Sluis) Bylsma, on the the family farm near Edgerton. She had one older sister, Bernice.

Lorraine was baptized and made profession of her faith at the First Reformed Church of Edgerton. She went to country school as a young girl and then went on to high school. She graduated from Edgerton Public High School in 1940. One memory from her childhood that stands out to Lorraine was visiting the World’s Fair with her family in Chicago in 1934.
After high school, Lorraine met Leslie Brink, son of Jerry and Johanna Brink.
Lorraine remembers standing by a stove at the Spot Cafe. They were both warming up. She noticed he had a nice watch. He showed it to her – it was new, a gift from his parents. Then she said she had to go to catechism, and left. Not many days after that, he came out to the farm to take her out on a date.
They were united in marriage on March 19, 1944. Leslie was drafted into the United States Army on August 11, 1944. His branch of service was the infantry replacement in World War II. On the day he left for training, they talked. Lorraine recalls they talked about the fact that they were both Christians, both saved. “We hoped he would be back, but we would put our trust in God,” she said. “We didn’t know what was going to happen.”
They read Romans 8:28 together, which says: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Les left for basic training. On December 31, 1944, the couple’s daughter, Gloria Beth, was born. Les was already en route to Germany before his daughter was born. He reached Germany in January 1945. He was killed in action on February 24, 1945 while on patrol duty near Saarbrucken, Germany.
Lorraine recalls that for several months Les was listed as missing in action. Four months after his death, Lorraine was notified that he had been killed in action. Leslie is buried at St. Avoid United States Cemetery in Metz, France. He received several medals and commendations, including the Purple Heart, the Presidential Citation, and a European Theater of Operations Ribbon with one Battle Star for his service.
While Les was gone, Lorraine worked for her family on the farm. The Bylsmas had a large farm with hired men who needed to be fed each day. Lorraine helped her mother Alice with the meals and taking care of household chores. After Les was killed and she was a young widow with a small child, Lorraine recalls that the pastor of her church, Rev. Baker, visited often to encourage her.
A few years later, Lorraine met Bill Berghuis. He was also a serviceman. Bill served in the Air Force. He entered the service on September 30, 1942, and flew 51 bombing missions in flying fortresses as a flight engineer with the 15th Army Air Force. Bill returned home from WWII on December 21, 1944, and was discharged from the army on September 28, 1945.
Lorraine remembered Bill from country school. They met at Lorraine’s sister’s house. He adored Gloria and asked if he could drive them home. They were married on January 3, 1948.
Gloria grew up and attended college at Northwestern, becoming a school teacher. She had one daughter, Julie, who was born in 1971. Gloria was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and that disease would eventually take her life. Her daughter Julie was also diagnosed with muscular dystrophy. Gloria and Julie moved back to Edgerton in 1991. Gloria passed away in 2000. After this, Julie was cared for by Bill and Lorraine. She lived in Independent Living facilities until she passed away April 16, 2020.
Bill worked for the State Bank of Edgerton and served on the church board, the Edgerton Public School Board, and the Edgebrook Care Center Board. He was one of the very first to promote the building of the Edgerton Care Center, serving on the planning and building committee.
Bill and Lorraine spent many winters in Arizona after he retired. In 2002, they sold their home in Edgerton and were the first tenants to move to the Edgebrook Independent Apartments. They eventually moved to the Edgberook Estates Assisted Living apartments. Bill passed away in 2014.
Lorraine remains at the assisted living and is a member of the First Reformed Church of Edgerton. She cannot read very well anymore, but she finds great comfort in recalling scripture she has memorized. Her favorite song is “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”
“God was there with me when I went through all my life and all the trials,” She said. “God is faithful; you can trust Him.”