Tschetter Interns With Atlanta Falcons Maintaining Field

As a kid growing up in Edgerton, Minn., Jesse Tschetter mowed lawns. After graduating, he was accepted into Southeast Technical College’s Sports Turf Management program.
“What really made this program stand out was the many different career path opportunities it would provide,” said Jesse.
After learning more about the program, cost, and realizing he could obtain a degree in two years, Jesse’s decision was easy. Within Jesse’s first year attending Southeast Tech, he gained hands-on experience on grasses, pests, various equipment used in the industry, and the knowledge needed to maintain fields at a professional level.
As the semester came to an end, his instructor, Cory Borgen, shared a handful of websites that offered field-related jobs and internships.
“The career opportunities in our industry have always been excellent,” Cory stated. “In fact, our interns and graduates could go just about anywhere they want; the demand is so high.”
One posting particularly caught Jesse’s eye — an internship for the Atlanta Falcons. Feeling nervous about the application process, Jesse applied knowing this would be an opportunity of a lifetime, even as a Dallas Cowboys fan.
“Am I really doing this?” Jesse recalls feeling anxious, yet excited after receiving the call that changed everything.
When the semester ended, he made his journey to the Atlanta Falcons Training Camp located in Flowery Branch, Ga., to begin his 3-month internship. Living in the city was a change of pace from his hometown, but he’s thriving!
“Our program has been successful in placing students with internships that align directly with the students’ career goals. Students have interned with Major League Baseball teams, such as the Boston Red Sox and the Milwaukee Brewers. They’ve interned with Minor League teams all over the country and locally in Sioux Falls, including the Sioux Falls Canaries, and Parks and Recreation,” said Cory. “However, Jesse is the first student to intern with a National Football League team.”
Jesse’s grateful for how Southeast Tech and his instructors prepared him for the skills needed to complete the jobs and tasks required to maintain a facility for an NFL team, such as the Falcons.
“Without these skills, I wouldn’t know how to use the equipment needed to provide maintenance to the fields, schedule waterings, perform proper mowing, landscaping or painting the fields each day for practice,” said Jesse.