Edgerton FFA Holds Awards Night

By Nathan Thompson –
On May 4, the Edgerton FFA Chapter held its annual awards night. The FFA members had another successful year and accomplished much. The FFA members competed successfully in 13 FFA competition areas: Ag Mechanics, Farm Management, Dairy, General Livestock, Horse, Public Speaking, Job Interview, Farm Discussion, Crops Evaluation, Meats, Dairy Foods, Soils, and Trapshooting.
During the awards ceremony we also recognized those members earning their degrees. Earning Discovery Degrees (Junior High FFA Membership) were: Dakota Erickson, Avery Bootsma, Crystal Casas, Erikka Moshier, Brayden Dirksen, Michael Gunnink, Leonith Casas, Hailey Erickson, Tavian Moody, Dylan Van Otterloo, Blair Sandbulte, and Keeton Ockenga. Greenhand Degrees (1st year 9th-12th grade Membership) were awarded to: Josh Groen, Crystal Sanchez, Chelsy Reyes, Keaton Arp, Richie Whipple, Tyler Van’t Hof, and Frank Robinson. The Chapter Degrees were awarded to: Chloe Kracht, Cesar Garcia-Soto, and Alexis Gilbertson.
FFA members were recognized for their Star accomplishments and presented scholarships. Earning the 2020 DeKalb award for excellence in leadership and scholastics was Jaden Weinkauf. Earning the Edgerton FFA Support Scholarships were: Jayson Delfs, Jaden Weinkauf, and Braelyn Kracht. Star Chapter Agribusiness went to Jaden Weinkauf. Star Greenhand was awarded to Tyler Van’t Hof as the top freshmen. The Pietz Family Scholarship was awarded to Jaden Weinkauf and Jayson Delfs.
The chapter also installed the 2022-2023 Chapter officer team and retired the 2021-2022 team.
The newly elected team is: President Lydia Rylaarsdam, Vice Pres. Richie Whipple, Secretary Brianna Moss, Treasurer Jose Carrera, Reporter Chloe Kracht, Sentinel Keaton Arp, Officer at Large Cesar Garcia-Soto, and Historians Tyler Van’t Hof.
Tracy Fink was our guest speaker. She spoke about how FFA impacts young people and careers as well as her role with food product safety.
The evening meal was pork loin, baked potato, salad with cakes and cupcakes from Michelle Vander Wal and juice and water.

Region 6 FFA Proficiency awards. Jaden Weinkauf placed 3rd in Region 6 for her Beef Proficiency. Lydia Rylaarsdam placed 1st in Region 6 FFA for her Ag Processing proficiency for her
work at V & M Meats.
She was also named State Champion. Jayson Delfs was also a State Champion for his Ag Mechanical Fabrication and Design for his work as a plumber with Handers out of Sioux Falls.
Both Lydia and Jayson will now compete for the National Title in both areas.

Jaden Weinkauf- President, Lydia Rylaarsdam- Vice Pres, Braelyn Kracht-Secretary, Aaron Veldhuizen- Retiring Treasurer, And Shania Manderscheid retiring Sentential. Retired their positions during the the Banquet. Congratulations on a successful and solid FFA Officer term.