Track Team Solid at Cardinal Relays

Schaap continues to up record, Busker jumps six feet
By Brian Tschetter –
The Southwest Christian/ Edgerton track team traveled to Luverne on Tuesday, April 12, to participate in the lightning shortened Cardinal Relays.
The weather threw competitors a little bit of everything. The meet started with temps in the 50’s where they remained with a pretty brisk wind. About halfway through the meet, lightning within 10 miles of the complex created a delay with all athletes going to buses. After waiting the first 25 minutes of the 30 minutes needed, another strike was reported. This brought another 30 minute delay from that time. The hour long wait on the bus had near perfect conditions with the wind dwindling to nothing.
After a 20 minute warmup time the meet resumed. The wind had picked up again and some light rain fell. After a few more events were run another strike was spotted and the meet was called off at that point, which was midway through the boys’ 400. The squad did a pretty good job handling the situation as both teams were at the top of the standings when the meet ended. The 11 team meet had teams from SWC/E, Luverne, Hills-Beaver Creek, Pipestone Area, Adrian/Ellsworth, Westbrook – Walnut Grove – Red Rock Central, Windom Area, Redwood Valley, Lakeview, Tracy-Milroy-Balaton, and Canby / Minneota.