Sandbulte Receives Community Award

By Jill Fennema –
Last week Tuesday, First State Bank Southwest invited members of the Edgerton Chamber of Commerce to their annual mixer as part of their celebration of April being Community Banking Month. This event is typically held on an evening in early April. However, due to COVID-19, the event has not been held for a few years.
Since 2018, the bank has used this annual gathering to shine a spotlight on a community member that they believe deserves recognition for their important role in the community. This year, Bill Sandbulte was the winner of the bank’s Spirit of Community Pride Award.
Bill has been actively involved in the Edgerton area as a business owner. He joined Mike Drooger and Tom Bouma at Drooger’s Food Center in 2007. He became the senior owner of that business in 2019, when Tadd Prins and Chris Moosey joined that business and formed the Edgerton Food Center.
Bill has been involved with the Edgerton Chamber of Commerce. He has served on the chamber board and helps at many events. Bill really helps coordinate the Chamber Appreciation Supper that is held every other summer. He also prepares the food each year for the Chamber Golf Outing.
Bill and his wife, Diane, are members of Bethel Reformed Church in Leota, where Bill serves on the consistory. Bill has taken time off in the past to serve on several mission trips.
He is also a member of the board of Edgebrook Care Center.
One of Bill’s biggest commitments is volunteering as an EMT for the Edgerton Ambulance Association. Bill has been an EMT for 34 years, part of which he served as an EMT in Leota. He has also served on the board.
“He truly represents the definition of community involvement,” said Brad Bruxvoort, vice president of First State Bank Southwest, when he presented the award to Bill.
As a recipient of the Community Pride Award, Bill is able to designate a financial contribution of $1,000 from the bank in his honor to a non-profit organization of his choice. Bill chose the Edgerton Ambulance Association to receive that donation.
Previous award winners include Betty Huisken in 2018 and Art and Mayme Spronk in 2019.