SCHOOL NEWS from Edgerton Public High School

Starting this school year at the Edgerton Public School, we created something called Homeroom for our 6th-12th grade students. Homeroom takes place every day between the 3rd and 4th block. The goal for Homeroom was to help build relationships between staff and students as well as creating lasting friendships between students. At the start of the year, the teachers hand selected the students to be in their Homeroom class. We split the middle school kids and high school kids but mixed students from each grade level up in each Homeroom. There are eight 6th-8th grade Homerooms and eight 9th-12th grade Homerooms. Each day of the week is a different “day” which holds a different task or activity for the day. The days are broken down as follows:
Monday is “Goals and Grades.” Each Monday students are asked to log on to their JMC account and check their grades. They are asked to fill out a paper that makes them aware of their current grade as well as any missing work they need to do and upcoming assignments they need to prepare for. At the bottom of the sheet they are asked to make a short term S.M.A.R.T. goal for the week. Students have done a wonderful job taking responsibility for their grades and homework as well as learning time management and organization. Each week for 9-12 students, their grades determine whether or not they have to go to study hall the following week. Those students who work hard and have good grades enjoy the incentive. Those students who need extra support and time to ask questions get that opportunity. Any student who wants to go to study hall regardless of their grades is more than welcome!
Tuesday is “Meeting Day.” This day provides an opportunity for any clubs, teams, staff or any other kind of group, a time to hold those meetings. We have had meetings such as FFA Chapter meetings, NHS Meetings, Baseball Meetings, Play Crew Meetings, Army Recruitment Meetings, Class Meetings, Prom Meetings, CEO, PSEO and College Now Meetings, ACT Prep and many more. The kids who do not attend a meeting get to have a “fun day” in their classrooms. Kids are provided board games, card games and on occasion a chance to go to the gym to compete against each other for fun.
Wednesday is “ACES Day”. ACES stands for Academic, Career, Emotional and Social. On this day students are educated in some form of social emotional development provided by the School Counselor with support and ideas from the teachers. Each Homeroom teacher completes the lesson with their students. Some examples of lessons we’ve had so far this year include Active Listening, Empathy, Testing Anxiety, Greetings, “How to Change a Tire,” Resiliency, Power of a Positive Attitude, “How to do Laundry,” and so many more. During this time, the kids are asked to engage and open up to help them grow on a personal and social level.
Thursday is “Read Day.” On this day we ask that the students bring a book to read. They are given 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to read. We ask that they put away their devices and spend time devoted to reading a hard copy book.
Friday is “Fun Friday.” Depending on the week, students rotate between staying in their rooms for fun or heading to the gym to compete in competitions led by Mrs. Reker. In their classrooms, kids can play board games, bingo, make pancakes, frost cookies, have garbage basketball competitions, and if it is nice, go outside for an activity. When the students go to the gym they compete in Homeroom competitions that earn them points. At the end of the year, the Homeroom with the most points will earn a pizza party to celebrate their victory. Competitions in the gym can be simple or complex and they never end without both kids and staff having loads of fun. We have competed in Relay Races, Ultimate Spoons, Cheese Puff Throw, Chariot Races, Olympics, and many other fun games.
Staff and students have really been enjoying themselves during this Homeroom time. Relationships are being built, students are being pushed out of their comfort zone to grow and the enjoyment of just being a kid is being had by all. EPS plans to continue with the addition next year.
Students/staff learn about Social Media
Last week Tuesday evening, Richard Guerry, a published author, spoke to students and faculty during the day and to parents and school board members later in the evening about the dangers of social media and gaming if not used properly. His presentation was entitled: Public and Permanent: Motivate Responsible use of technology, and prevent digital abuse.
However, he also talked about the benefits of social media when used properly. Guerry also stressed that people need to understand that just because you think something is private, there are ways to get your information. He mentioned that if you are smart and put out good content, then your risks are minimized.
Guerry explained that we live in a global economy, and that students are competing with people all over the world for jobs, scholarships, college entrances, etc. That means that when a person posts hurtful/hateful comments, there is a good chance of that coming back to haunt them. He gave an example of a highly recruited high school football player who wrote some hateful tweets. Someone hacked his account and released that information. The result was that he lost scholarship opportunities due to what he posted.
The audience also learned how to use digital tools responsibly, and how to prevent negative, irresponsible, and malicious digital behaviors and trends.