Receive Recognition For Support Of Guardsman

At last week’s county board meeting, Pipestone County Sheriff Keith Vreeman and Chief Deputy Mike Hamann were recognized by Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR).
ESGR is an agency of the Department of Defense which seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States.
CPL Anthony Sievert of the Minnesota Army National Guard, who is also a deputy for Pipestone County, wanted to honor his employer for their support of his service to the Minnesota National Guard. Sievert was very appreciative of Vreeman and Hamann’s support and assistance with his Guard duties and time away for drills and wanted to honor both of them.
Present to give the awards was Doug Broich the Region 5 Chair for ESGR. For more information about ESGR outreach programs or volunteer opportunities, call (800) 336-4590 or visit
Photo left to right: CPL Sievert, Chief Deputy Hamann, Sheriff Vreeman and Doug Broich.