The Greenhouse is Complete

On Wednesday, Nov. 3, the Edgerton Public School hosted a Chamber Mixer where they invited members of the business community to come and see the greenhouse project that is nearly complete.
Ag teacher and FFA advisor Nathan Thompson spearheaded the project, which will bring students out of the traditional classroom and into the greenhouse. Connected to the 18’x36’ greenhouse is a 20’x24’ head house, which is a classroom area where there will be tables for working on projects.
Several businesses helped make the possible by donating materials or labor. That significantly reduced the cost of the project. The greenhouse kit itself cost $45,000. Materials for the head house cost about $13,00. Three heaters cost about $4,800. There were also plumbing and electrical material costs. Thompson commented that if the school had to pay for all the materials and labor it would have cost at least $150,000.
Students in Thompson’s classes will learn about how to grow plants, including hands-on plant biology and chemistry concepts. The project will allow students in grades seven through twelve to have hands-on experience in the greenhouse, where they will be growing bedding plants, greens, herbs, etc. The students will be begin planting in the greenhouse in February so that they can sell plants in the spring.
Those who toured the greenhouse and head house were invited into the school for a hamburger supper, which was served by the FFA officers. The Pipestone County Cattleman’s Association grilled the 1/3 pound burgers from V&M Locker.