Lending a Helping Hand for Harvest

Last week Monday, a beautiful day for harvesting, was also a beautiful day to be a good neighbor. Several neighbors and friends of Elmer Pietz helped him harvest the last of his corn. Elmer’s wife, Georgia, passed away from cancer on Oct. 5.
There were eleven people who came out to help that day, with many more offers of use of equipment if needed. There were three combines, two grain carts, a semi, and many wagons and tractors used to harvest Elmer’s 100 acres. All the work took about five hours.

Pictured are: Gene Westenberg, John Talsma, Dan Roskamp, Dan Full, Ron Pietz, Elmer Pietz, Barry Rieck, Hiene Walhof, Ryan Pietz; not pictured Kevin Zylstra
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