Rock River Landscape Has New Owners

Pictured: Logan and Morgan Schoonhoven are the new owners of Rock River Landscape.
By Jill Fennema –
As many of our readers know, Rob Veldkamp, owner of Rock River Landscape, has been battling cancer for many years. Recently, he and his family made the decision to sell their business, Rock River Landscape.
“It has been an honor to serve the people in the area,” Rob said. “My favorite part of the job was interacting with the clients.”
The business has been purchased by Logan and Morgan (Van Hulzen) Schoonhoven, of Orange City, Iowa. Morgan is from Edgerton, the daughter of Kirk and Erin Van Hulzen.
Logan has been working with Heimstra Lawncare, a landscape business in Orange City for the past seven years. For the past three of those years, he has been working as an independent contractor for them.
Logan and Morgan were married this past summer. When they came home from their honeymoon in late July, they decided that if the business became available, they would pursue it.
Logan has experience in all the same services that Rock River Landscape currently offers, including landscaping and lawn care. He also plans to add snow removal to the list of services he offers.
Rob and Tricia Veldkamp started Rock River Landscape in 2005. They have provided a full range of landscaping services, like installation of rock and pavers.
Rob was first diagnosed with cancer in 2008, and while he has experienced times where his cancer was in remission, it has come back with a vengeance and he is not able continue doing the work.
Rob and Tricia have seven children, and over the years, many of them have also worked for the business.
“I am excited for Logan and Morgan,” Rob said. “I’m confident that they are a perfect fit to carry on Rock River Landscape.”