Students Update Chamber On Greenhouse Project

By Jill Fennema –
Last week, the Edgerton Chamber of Commerce held their last regular meeting of the season. They take a break from meeting during the summer months. There are still chamber activities that take place all summer, despite the fact that the group does not get together.
Chamber members have planted the flowers for the Main Street baskets. Those will be hung up by Memorial Day. If you would like to donate to the flower fund, please send a check to the Chamber of Commerce in care of Betty Huisken.
Another event the chamber helps with is the Dutch Festival, which will take place in July. More information on the festival will be released in late May and in June. This August the Chamber will also host an appreciation supper on Main Street.
This month’s main speaker was Nathan Thompson, who runs the agriculture and FFA program at Edgerton Public School. He and several of his students gave chamber members an update on the school’s new greenhouse, which the ag structures class is helping to build. Mason Gilbertson and Adam De Jong talked about the work they have been doing on the building.
They hope to get the greenhouse and head house (the instructional and work room attached to the greenhouse) built this spring and early summer. They students have worked with Arp Construction and Hulstein Excavating, Inc., on the project so far, but many other businesses in town have donated funds or time to the project.
“It’s been a fun learning experience with the rest of the class,” Mason Gilbertson said. “We have made some mistakes, but she is still standing, so we did something right.”
Eventually, Thompson and his students will be able to have plants for sale. They are working with Wendy’s Flowers on this part of the business. The students in the horticulture class will be planting and managing the plants. The business management class is helping figure out what to charge for the plants once they are ready to be sold.
Three FFA students also gave the chamber members updates on the awards they and other members of the FFA program had won this past school year.
The chamber welcomed a new member. Sydney Roberts is the new Edgebrook Administrator. She lives in Luverne and also works as a ref and umpire at high school sporting events.