Bus Contract Signed

Graduation should be in person
By Ruth Fennema –
At last week’s Edgerton School Board meeting, Superintendent Keith Buckridge presented the board with the new transportation contract with Hendriks Bus Service. It is a 2-year contract with a 2 percent increase the first year and 2 percent for the second year. The rate could change if the state rate goes to 3 percent.
The contract states that the school district is responsible for purchasing cameras for all the buses. If a new bus is purchased, Hendriks Bus Service is responsible for moving the existing camera to the new bus. Hendrik’s Bus Service is responsible for all scheduling of all routes and pickup times, with no students to be picked up before 6:40 a.m. The bus company is also responsible for finding drivers to run all routes throughout the year. Teachers may be used in emergency situations only, without incurring charges from the school.
The Curriculum Committee update, regarding the book that was brought to the board for review last month, was tabled until next month. This will allow time for the committee and any other board members that would like to read the book to do so.
There were two students out with COVID last week and six students out for a few days due to close contact. The school attendance has been going very well in the past months.
Mr. Gilbertson talked to the board regarding teacher’s thoughts on continuing with the block system of class scheduling going forward in grades 9 through 12. The teachers voted to continue with the system going forward, 14 teachers in favor of continuing and four voting against.
The 2021 graduation ceremony is scheduled for May 28 at 7 p.m. Current COVID-19 regulations allow for 375-385 people not including the graduates. There must also be contactless delivery of diplomas. These regulations could change in the next month.