Roberts Takes The Helm At Edgebrook

By Jill Fennema –
Edgebrook Care Center has a new administrator. Sydney Roberts has replaced Michael Redinger, who left his position there in November of last year.
Sydney is originally from Perham, Minnesota, which is in Otter Tail County, the county with the most lakes in Minnesota. She grew up in the country and loves the outdoors.
Prior to coming to Edgebrook, Sydney worked as the clinic operations coordinator at Tri-County Healthcare in Wadena. She graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead in 2019. She studied business with an emphasis in healthcare, leadership, and long-term care.
“I knew I always wanted to work in healthcare,” Sydney said. She had an aunt who battled breast cancer and was very involved with healthcare and that inspired her to pursue her current career path.
Sydney has also been a Certified Nursing Assistant for the past six years. “So I know to a certain degree what it is like for all the staff that work at the Edgebrook Care Center.” She became certified as a CNA when she was in high school. Perham High School participates in a pilot program where they train CNAs in the classroom for six months.
“It’s a program I really like,” Sydney said.
When she heard about the administrator position opening up in Good Sam, she knew she wanted to apply. “Good Sam is highly revered at Concordia,” she said.
While Redinger had split his time between Edgebrook Care Center and the Good Samaritan Village in Pipestone, Sydney only works at Edgebrook. Her job requires that she spend a lot of time doing paperwork, but she says her first priority is to be an advocate and caretaker for the residents. “This is their home. We are the guests,” she commented. She interacts with the residents in the care center and at the assisted living once, if not twice, a day.
For the complete article, please see the February 3rd edition of the Edgerton Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!