Dr. Kroeze Part Owner of New Vet Clinic in Pipestone

By Jill Fennema –
Dr. Brett Kroeze of Edgerton is a part owner of a new veterinary clinic in Pipestone. Windy Ridge Veterinary Clinic (WRVC) opened at the beginning of 2021 in Pipestone at the intersection of Highways 30 and 75.
Dr. Kroeze owns the clinic with Dr. Larry Goelz. The two purchased the non-swine portion of Pipestone Veterinary Services (PVS). Dr. Kroeze had been with Pipestone Veterinary Services for the past eight and a half years.
As a child, Dr. Kroeze lived in Edgerton for three years, when his father was a teacher at Southwest Christian High School. They moved to Northwest Iowa in 1992, after Brett’s first year of school.
He graduated from Dordt College (now known as Dordt University) where he studied agriculture, business, and pre-veterinary courses. He then went on to Iowa State University to study veterinary medicine.
After completing his schooling, a job offer from PVS brought him back to the area.
“My wife and I decided to reside in Edgerton because it is a short commute to Pipestone and it is close to church and school for our kids,” Dr. Kroeze said. His children are students at Southwest MN Christian Schools.
For the complete article, please see the January 28th edition of the Edgerton Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!