Loving The Outdoors – Part 2

Pictured: This little pond is hidden away near Edgerton. Many probably do not know it exists. But if you want to fish in it, you will need to contact the person who owns the land around it.
This week is the second story in a series about engaging in activities in the great outdoors. We want to help our readers find activities and hobbies that will bring them health and joy in the new year.
If you are thinking about a trip out ice fishing, there are some important safety tips you should be aware of. You should also be aware of the rules and regulations that you need to follow if you decide to take to the ice.
There are several ponds in our area that you can fish. The most important thing is to ask permission from landowners. Public waters can be fished by anyone, as long as you can get on the ice without crossing private property. So Lake Sarah, Lake Shetek, Smith Lake, Lake Benton, Lake Wilson – these are all lakes where you can set up your equipment and fish to your heart’s content.
Other places, like all the little ponds that are hidden away in the “hills and hollers” require that you contact the landowner to gain permission to cross their property to access the water.
More legal and safety information on ice fishing can be found on Page 2 of this week’s Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!