Dutchmen Celebrate Parents Night At Cross-Town Match

By Skip Hunter –
The third game of the crazy volleyball week featured the Flying Dutchmen of Edgerton High School as well as the SWC Eagles. The two teams played earlier in the year with the Eagles coming out on top of a wild set of games. The Dutchmen feted their two seniors Mariah Olsen and Brinna Bloemendaal as well as the other participants in the program and their parents. After the festivities the teams squared off and when the smoke had cleared the Eagles won all three games, 25-12, 25-20, and 25-18.
Reece Wassink scored first with a block of a SWC kill attempt. The Eagles then used a Cybil Vander Top pass to Makenzie Snyder who set Vander Top for a kill. Maren Nerem skimmed the top of the net for an ace serve to give the Eagles a 4-1 lead. The Dutchmen scored when Bloemendaal passed to Lexi Gilbertson who set Kresley Fraser for a kill. The Eagles came back when Morgan Pap passed to Nerem who set it back to Pap for a kill. Pap then had back-to-back blocks to make the score 10-4. She then had back-to-back kills using sets from Snyder. Wassink then dumped a Mateya Gilbertson pass over the net to make the score 13-5.
Fey had a pair of kills followed by a kill of an overpass by Vander Top. The sound of thunder was heard when Nerem smacked a ball for a kill to make the score 18-8. The Dutchmen attempted to stem the tide when Bloemendaal passed to Olson who set Fraser for a kill. The Eagles came back with a Pap kill and a Rylie Fey block. Wassink killed an overpass, but that was answered with a Fey kill as the Eagles took game 1, 25-12.
In game 2 the Eagles’ first point was accounted for by an ace serve from Vander Top. Wassink made the score 4-3 in favor of the Eagles with a block. Later Nerem passed to Snyder who set Fey for a kill. EHS answered with a Wassink kill using a Bloemendaal pass and a L. Gilbertson set. Nerem picked up another kill to make the score 9-6. The Dutchmen shaved a point off that lead with a Fraser kill into an empty corner of the court.
The Eagles picked up 2 more points with kills by Madalynn Rozeboom and Snyder. The big 2 of Nerem and M. Pap each scored to make the score 13-10. The Dutchmen were working hard to stay in the game and scored twice. Bloemendaal ignited both scoring plays with passes to L. Gilbertson who set Wassink. The second kill gave an Eagle a free facial as she fielded it with her countenance. The teams traded scores with Fey scoring for the Eagles and Wassink for the Dutchmen. Then Pap and Wassink traded points on kills before Wassink uncorked an ace serve to tie the game at 15.
For the complete article, please see the November 25th edition of the Edgerton Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!