Chamber Events Cancelled

Shopkeepers say: please shop locally
The board of the Chamber of Commerce held a virtual meeting a couple of weeks ago and made the decision that most of the plans that they had made for the holidays will be cancelled due to the rise in the COVID-19 virus in our area.
There will still be a holiday decorating contest. See the ad on this page for details. This contest is for all Edgerton residents and those living within one mile. Everyone is encouraged to decorate as much as they are able – we may not be able to have as many social events this year, but we can all still show our Christmas spirit.
The Shop 500 promotion is still happening as well. Shop locally and have your entry cards punched to show how much money you have spent at participating businesses. All the entries will be gathered and a drawing for the winner of $500 in Dutch Dollars will be held on Friday, Dec. 18, at the Edgerton Enterprise office.
Shop local and support your neighbors and friends. If you are unable to leave home to shop – call the local merchants. They will be glad to help you out in any way they can. Give your family gift certificates to local restaurants this year!
The things that are being cancelled due to the pandemic include the Christmas tree and the lighting ceremony that was to be held in December, a live nativity, sleigh rides, and meeting with Santa. The Chamber board may try to have Santa walk up and down Main Street some day, but there will be no visits or organized photos.
The Chamber board also cancelled the December Chamber meeting and annual banquet. Chamber secretary Betty Huisken wanted to encourage everyone to continue to shop local and do their part to stop the spread of the virus.
For more articles like this, please see the November 25th edition of the Edgerton Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!