Science Room Complete

School considers large greenhouse project
By Ruth Fennema –
One of the Edgerton bus drivers tested positive for COVID-19; so the school board decided that it was better to not have busing and to use distance learning on Monday. After conducting contract tracing, it was determined that only one other driver needed to quarantine, so school was back in the classroom on Tuesday.
As with all remodeling projects, the science room project took longer than expected to be completed. There is a small list of items that need to be completed but the classroom is being used. Certain things are not yet allowed to be done in the classroom due to COVID restrictions, but the students and the teacher are happy with the results.
Nathan Thompson, the ag teacher, gave a presentation to the school board regarding a proposed ag greenhouse to be built for growing different types of plants and flowers. The proposed structure would be approximately 20’ wide and 38’ deep with water-misters on the front wall, LED grow lights, a front and rear exit, two fans on the rear of the building for climate control, dual heaters, and a shade cloth on the roof to protect the plants from the direct sun. The location for the structure is yet to be determined.
Thompson has received several bids ranging in price from $35,000 to $40,000 for a kit. He has already received grants in the amount of $5,500 and has received verbal commitments from many businesses in the community. He was overwhelmed by the community support for this project. The greenhouse would be in use from late February until late November or early December.
Construction would begin in spring of 2021 with the students in the ag class helping with the construction of the building under the supervision of experienced contractors for every phase of the construction. This project would involve students from grades 7 through 12.
So far, the amount of money already in hand with grants and business donations amounts to $12,950 for this project. The board received this information with great enthusiasm and looks forward to getting more solid numbers for all phases of construction, including location options at the December meeting.
Thompson also informed the board that this year’s corn drive involved three groups of students going out in early October to collect. The net profit was slightly over $2,000, $1,000 of which will go to Camp True Friends (formally called Camp Courage), which is a camp for special needs children.
The board approved a non-certified contract change removing payroll duties from the office manager position. No person has committed to taking on that role at the time of the board meeting.
The school board conference in January will be done online for three Thursdays in a row. All information regarding the conference options and times will be sent to all board members via email.
On Wednesday, Nov. 11, the school board had a conference call meeting where they certified the election. There were three positions up for election and three candidates. Gene Westenberg received 1,035 votes, Brandon Gunnink received 890 votes, and Greg Arp received 1,188 votes. There were 43 write-in votes.
For more articles like this, please see the November 25th edition of the Edgerton Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!