Council Reaches Out To Residents

By Jill Fennema –
Last week Thursday, a crowd of 20 people, along with the Edgerton City Council members turned out to listen to a town-hall-style presentation by an engineer and a financial planner.
The first to speak was Trent Bruce with DGR, the firm that provides the city with engineering services. He has worked with Edgerton for about 15 years.
Bruce explained the studies that the city has paid for to get to this point. First there was a water study before the connection was made to the Lincoln Pipestone Rural Water System. Then there was a storm sewer study to look at drainage and flooding problems, and finally a sanitary sewer study. These three studies have become part of the city’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
“The plan is designed to adjust,” he added. When different problems arise or new challenges, the CIP is a roadmap or plan, but it can still be adjusted.”
The proposed improvements include water main improvements, water tower rehab, sanitary sewer improvements. lift station improvements, storm sewer/drainage improvements, reconstruction of streets, and ADA compliant sidewalk work.
“Over the years we have looked at a lot of things. But it has always come down to saying, ‘We should do that some day.’ But now it’s necessary to get started,” Bruce said.