COVID Numbers Dictate That EPS To Start School In Hybrid

Edgerton Public School will start school on Tuesday, Sept. 8. Because of the number of COVID-19 cases in Pipestone County, they will begin school in their “hybrid model.” There were 18 active cases in the county as of last Thursday, August 27.
While in other school districts that model might mean that some students are not at school every day, in the Edgerton School District, all students are able to be at school during the school day. There are currently 396 students enrolled at Edgerton Public School. There are 124 in the high school and 184 in the elementary, with 29 preschoolers (3’s and 4’s).
“Our staff has been working hard to get everything ready for our students to return,” said Superintendent Keith Buckridge. “We are very excited to have students back in the building.”
The school recently hired one new 3rd grade teacher to add a third section of that class due to its size. There will also be three new paraprofessionals that will help with the elementary gym classes, help at recess, and help in the lunchroom. The school now employs 22 paras total.
A new school counselor was hired; we ran a feature article about Shelby Reker a couple of weeks ago. Since that time, Shawn Ranek was hired as the new 3rd grade teacher. Other than that, all teachers at the school are the same as last year.
“We feel very confident that we have a strong return to school plan that will create the safest environment for our students and staff,” Buckridge said.
A full list of the teaching, administrative, and support staff at the school can be found on Page 2 of this week’s Edgerton Enterprise.