COVID-19 By The Numbers

According to statistics from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Pipestone County has seen a sharp uptick in the number of newly diagnosed COVID-19 cases in recent weeks. Daily updates regarding COVID-19 cases in Minnesota can be found at diseases/coronavirus/situation.html
As of Monday afternoon, there were 86 confirmed cases in Pipestone County, and 4 deaths. According to officials with Pipestone County Medical Center, an increase in coronavirus cases is not necessarily unexpected, especially since many restrictions have been lifted, but it is cause for concern and a reason to renew efforts at prevention. In a statement issued Friday, they said, “It is worth noting that the importance of wearing a mask can not be overemphasized during this time of rapid virus growth in Pipestone County. PCMC recommends that everyone follows the CDC/MDH guidelines of wearing a mask, washing your hands, staying home if you are sick, and social distancing. It has been proven that doing so helps to slow the spread of COVID-19, and while it may be an inconvenience for some, it is a worthwhile one that could help prevent future infections and save lives.”
In response to the increase in COVID-19 cases, PCMC is electing to stop allowing visitors to the facility until further notice. Safety protocols to help prevent COVID-19 transmission are still in place. All patients and staff are screened for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the building, and all staff members throughout the facility are wearing PPE to help protect our patients.
PCMC is unable to provide information about our patients or their COVID-19 status apart from what is available through the MDH. PCMC takes direction from MDH and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) when implementing policies and procedures as they relate to the coronavirus.
Additionally, there is a hotline available through Southwest Health and Human Services for people who are clinically diagnosed or test positive for COVID-19 and who may also require assistance with essential services. The hotline number is 507-537-4802.
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