City Hires New Clerk

By Jill Fennema –
At last week’s city council meeting, the council rescinded the mayor’s emergency powers. On March 27 the city declared a state of emergency because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I basically did nothing with those powers,” quipped Mayor Jason Snyder. If the need for an emergency status would return, the council can reinstate the state of emergency. The council also passed a COVID-19 pandemic plan, which outlined how the city plans to keep their employees safe.
Snyder also reported that the city has hired a new clerk. Joel Farrington accepted the clerk position and will start work on July 27.
Farrington was offered the position after the council met with him on July 25. At that time, the council offered him a salary of $70,000 per year with two weeks vacation. Farrington did not accept the position immediately, but negotiated with the council for $80,000 per year and two weeks of paid vacation.
Farrington is from Sioux Falls where he has been working as a consultant for non-profit and for-profit businesses. He plans to continue to live in Sioux Falls with his family.
On July 25, the council held a special meeting so that the entire council could meet this candidate, who was recommended to the council by the hiring committee, which consisted of two city volunteers, Councilman Kirk Bleyenburg, Mayor Jason Snyder, and Deputy Clerk Mary Kreun.
During that special meeting, Farrington expressed his desire to help small town businesses grow and work with economic development. The council also intends to have him heavily involved with finding the necessary funding to update the city’s infrastructure.
For the complete article, please see the July 15th edition of the Edgerton Enterprise. If you do not currently receive the Enterprise, CLICK HERE for information on how to subscribe!