Tag Archives: School News

School News from SWC grades 2-3

2nd Grade News Mrs. Van Schepen and Mrs. Van Iperen Wow! We can’t believe we have been in 2nd grade for 100 days already! It feels like we just started, but we have learned so much and had so much

School News

This week from from Edgerton Public School Music program news The Spring Classic Concert  for 6th-12th grades was held on Monday evening, March 6. All the various bands and choirs performed at the concert. On January 7 band students participated

School News This Week From SWC Grades 6-8

7th grade news Seventh grade English and Literature have been abuzz with many new things this quarter. From research papers, to modifiers, to Lit Circles, we have continued to grow in our language and reading skills. Since returning from Christmas

School News from EPS K-2

Pictured: High school art teacher, Miss Sonnek, and her high school art class students with Mrs. Vander Lugt’s first grade class. First grade news Miss Sonnek and her high school art class students teamed up with the first graders.  To

This week from Kingdom Kids Preschool (3’s and 4’s)

Kingdom Kids news We have had a great start to our school year at Kingdom Kids!  It’s hard to believe we are two months into the year!  We spent the month of September learning the rules and routines of the

SCHOOL NEWS from EPS Grades K-12

First grade news The first graders took a picture with Fireman Dennis by the pumper truck.  This truck can hold 1,000 gallons of water!  After listening to the fire fighters, the elementary students practiced evacuating from a school bus in

School News from SWC Grades K-2

Pictured: All 29 kindergartners were accompanied to the zoo by their teachers Miss Mulder and Mrs. Raak and a parent or grandparent. Kindergarten News This year there are 29 kindergartners ready to learn how to learn. Their teachers are Miss

School News – This week from EPS

EHS Prom The junior class at Edgerton Public High School invites you to the Grand March for their 2020 Junior/Senior Prom on Friday, April 22, at 8 p.m. at the high school gymnasium. The theme of this year’s prom is

School News – This Week From SWC

Pictured: The SWC cast of Aladdin. They performed their spring play on April 1 and 2. 2nd grade As second graders, we have been learning about what it means to be a citizen. We are citizens of the United States,

SCHOOL NEWS This Week From SWC High School

  Pictured: On Wednesday, March 16, these SWC students drove tractors to school to celebrate Ag Week.     SWC musical production The SWC High School drama department has been busy preparing for the spring musical – ”Aladdin”! The story