Seniors Take Trip to Washington D.C.

In 2017, SWC Seniors started traveling to Washington, D.C. for their senior class trip. Typically, that trip occurs in November. This year, the trip was delayed until April, but the class is grateful to have this opportunity as they approach the final weeks of their unusual Senior year.

The trip did not occur without some additional steps and planning. Washington, D.C. requires testing prior to arrival. Each of the seniors needed to register a negative COVID-19 test before departure. In addition, a few of the regular opportunities are not available. However, these restrictions resulted in a new opportunity to visit Gettysburg!

A few (but not all!) highlights of the trip:

  • Tour of the Monuments
  • Capitol Hill, Supreme Court Building, Library of Congress
  • Mount Vernon
  • Gettysburg, including a Battlefield Tour
  • Museum of the Bible
  • Iwo Jima War Memorial
  • Arlington National Cemetery

“SWC continues to be so grateful for this opportunity for our seniors. We would like to say thank you for the financial support that is given for this trip, either directly or through fundraisers throughout the year,” said administration.

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